It is a page of sake manufactured at Takahashi Sake Brewery
About the charged water
About the water to prepared
Using “smile Shimizu” one of the Rokugo springs selected as one of the 100best waters in
akita prefesture Misato town in akita Prefecture is a town of
shimizu ,and it snows on the mountains and the melted water is
filtered over many years Be done on the premises of takahashi shuzo,which
springs from 60places in the town
About yeast
“Misato sekka”japan’s only lavender yeast Mr.Furuuchi succeeded in collecting and culturing natural
yeast from white lavender blooming in Misato town akita Prefecture the first time
“Misato Yosino” yeast of yoshino sakura Takeshi Sasaki collected from Yoshino sakura planted at the time
of the inauguration of the time of the University of Tokyo in 2017 by Furuuchi
About rice used
Using “misato Nisiki”rice suitable for sake brewing Yamada Nisiki and Miyama Nisiki
are crossed to produce high quality sake rice comparable to Ymada Nisiki,which is called the king of sake rice
Misato Nisiki has a rice grain size.It is charaterized by being large and low in crude protein
product line
it is a list of products made at Takahashi sake Brewery
Sake making scenery
~Until you make sake~
